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Submission for Horst-Wiehe-Award 2025

Please use this webform to submit your nomination for the Award. Please make sure to provide all requested information.

Information about yourself as submitting person:
Information about nominated person:
Document for submission:
Please submit all relevant information in one PDF document The nominations should include the name, the current working address along with the e-mail address. In addition, please provide a CV of the nominee, your two-to-three page evaluation in which you provide a clear statement for each of the three criteria mentioned in the call.
Max. file size: 25 mb. Allowed file type: pdf.
Files must be less than 25 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
Declaration of Consent:
I hereby agree that in the event of an award being granted in any of the possible categories, the name and institution of the proposing person, as well as the name and institution of the awardee and the title of the awarded work/photo, will be published on the GfÖ homepage and in the GfÖ newsletter.