Conservation & Restoration

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Conservation & Restoration

Strict conservation of a near-natural bog ‘Murnauer Moos’. © J. KollmannThe GfÖ-Specialist Group Conservation and Restoration was founded in 2016 in Marburg, where the members assembly decided to merge the SG Conservation (founded 2015 in Göttingen) with the older SG Restoration. Members of the GfÖ develop basic knowledge in many fields of ecology, and their findings contribute to improve conservation of biological diversity and restoration of degraded habitats. The aim of the SG is to facilitate discussion among experts and improve the exchange and cooperation between science and practice. To this end, it collaborates with the Professional Institution of Conservation Practice (BBN) and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) in Germany:

  • To enhance transfer of research finding into practice
  • To compile a catalogue of requirements for beginners in conservation and restoration
  • To carry out workshops on current and specific topics of both fields
  • To organize joint activities (sessions and panels at annual meetings, public statements on conservation topics)

Activities so far:

  • Meetings with BBN, BfN and Netzwerk Renaturierung
  • GfÖ-Bridging Workshop Bridging Science and Practice in Conservation
  • Workshops Conservation and Restoration and Defining Conservation – a Reflection of Motivations and Trade-offs in Conservation
  • Joint session with BBN and BfN at the annual GfÖ-meeting in Marburg
  • Open panel at the Conservation Practice Day of Germany

Restoration measures in a quarry near Burglengenfeld. © J. Kollmann


Contact conservation:

Dr. Juliane Vogt

Contact restoration:

Prof. Dr. Johannes Kollmann